Sample of Solved Picture Story Writting in ISSB Psychologist Test

Here is one of the Picture(Most commonly give in Thematic Appreciation Test at ISSB).Below is the solution of Picture. Reason for this Solved Picture Story Writing is to give idea, How to make A good story on Picture. This will be only Done, when you PRACTICE hard by yourself. If you copy others then you will be easily caught and get puzzled



Hamza lives in a small village in Haripur,he along with his friends decided to go the riverside of their nearby village, it was morning time and all of them were enjoying, run then saw dead fishes lying along the bank of river, he went near the river and jumped into it, what he saw was unbelievable for him, the river water which is going to his village, which they are using for every purpose is being polluted by the nearby factory setup, he with his friends went to village and informed about the threat and consequences. The result were in favor of Hamza and the industry discharge was banned into the river Hamza was praised by Father and Villagers for his work.


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