Does ISSB Command Task is difficult for Candidates? (GTO Task)

It is the thinking of most of the candidates around us that " Completing Command Task is the key for Recommendation"  and Most Difficult Task at "ISSB is Command Task". But In my opinion they are wrong. How?  Because if we look around each other our nation is so intelligent and full of ideas to solve daily Life Problems. Simply, we can say that We are good in Making "Jugaar". Simply "Jugaar" is needed to make the task Complete.

But Only Completing Task is not important if you not follow the rules. Actually, In command Task your behaviour as Leader is observed with your Team. How you can influence your Team Members and How you utilize your powers and manage your plan with Team is observed.

Actually, In command task you are so busy in making plan and you focus only to complete the task. In that situation, sometimes you forgot that you have to work as team. Another thing you must avoid during Command Task is that, you should not Call your team members with words "Oye", "Hello" and "Buddy". You should use words like "Squad", "Group Fellows".

Take the task easy and make a good Plan and utilize your sub-ordinates wisely and you must follow Task Rules like Jumping Rules and Throwing Rules.


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