How to Practice for Words Association Test (WAT) Psychology Test ISSB

As our title of this post states that which type of Sentence you should make in Words Association Test (WAT) in Psychology Test of ISSB. First thing, I will indicate here is that there is a very little time nearly 8-10 seconds to see, think and make a sentence in Words Association Test. So, in short time, you will make only those sentences or show response which comes first in your Mind and those which are natural. So, your responses or sentences in WAT will clearly show your personality whether it is positive or negative Personality.

So, what you should do to make Positive sentences indirectly to show your Positive Personality?  Answer to this Question is very simple and easy to do. The Answer is, change your mindset, and always try to see the Positive side of thing and Try to tolerate the things which you don’t like. It will make your natural responses to positive. After changing practically, you will positive response in WAT.
Now come to the main point, actually to make 90% sentences in less time, you need a lot of practice before going for ISSB Test.

How you can do that? You just need a Pen and Paper. Sit at any place where you feel comfort and look around the things and try to make sentences on them. Just look around and thinks about the things and Actions around you and Make a sentences on them.
This will not only bring new ideas and make your writing speed faster and will improve your Vocabulary. Only Practice will make you good to Best. Keep Working Hard and Your Response in Comment Box.


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