Incomplete Sentence for Sentence Completion Test at ISSB Psychology Test

In this test 25 incomplete sentences are to be filled in. The candidate should have to complete the sentence in positive and constructive manners. Exercise these latest tests taken in I.S.S.B. and complete them with suitable words.

I am not afraid of……....
Life has………………...
I am surprise…………...
He wanted……………..
To become rich………..
He could not…………..
Hard ship……………...
When he was alone……
Hi is up set…………….
Money is ……………...
He tried………………...
My greatness weakness is….
Our press …………..
My sex relation………..
He needs………………
I love………………….
My ambition…………
A time will come……….
My father……………….
My school………………
A brother……………….
The boy and girl………..
Keep your………………
Every young man………
After great effort……….
My sister was………….
In simple world………..
He got………………….
In my house……………
On seeing the dead……..
Most parents……………
I can not………………..
I have usually………….
I request………………..
He does not dare……….
Marriage brings………..
During vacation………..
My friends……………..
My mother is…………..
My friends……………..
If he fails………………
My home work………...
My disappointment…….
She smiled…………….
Pakistan need…………
My principle………….
Friend in difficulties…….
When she saw me………
On seeing this way………
My father beat me………
My self………………..
If I had a gun…………..
The rich man…………
It is very strange………
Television is…………..
On the road……………
When sitting alone……..
Leader is……………….
My wish is…………….
My hero……………….
When he come suddenly…
He always……………….
My discourage is………..
Begging is………………
My neighbors…………
Health and riches……..
I hate…………………
Pakistan army is………
He is sorry for…………
His health……………...
Only trouble is…………
When he saw beautiful….
She is angry because……..
The new generation………
No one came……………..
He finally………………...
He was caught……………
When he was happy……...
The business man………..
Soldiers are………………
He refused to…………….
Bad people……………..
Poor people…………….
Our forces………………
Army life……………….
In extreme difficulties…..
He is always willing to….
When she grew old……..
From away of his house….
He became important when
His family is…………
If it is necessary I will……
To gain property he………
A large portion of hi time……
To gain popularity………….
The teacher feels…………
Our leaders are……………..
Pakistani girls are………….
Young girls are……………
College girls are…………
University girls are……….
Fashionable girls are……..
Fashion is………………..
His wife………………….
His sister………………..
His daughter……………
His mother……………..
Girls were……………..
His heart sank because……..
To express his anger……….
It was very clear that……….
Best time of his life………..


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